It feels like it happens every other month. Your cell phone bill is more money than you expected.

Sometimes, it makes sense — you went over on data or you made expensive long distance calls. But sometimes it doesn’t — random activation fees, extra charges for roaming that you didn’t agree to, or a data overage that doesn’t seem to make sense.

So what should you do?

In the past, you would call customer service. And wait. And wait some more. Then speak to somebody who either doesn’t want to listen to your problem or who isn’t helpful.

Now, cell phone companies have improved (or at least increased) the ways that you can get in touch with them. They have contact forms on their websites, live-chat operators, and even check their social media accounts for customer complaints. These companies also worry more about their reputations: if somebody with a big social media following complains about them online, the company could lose thousands of customers overnight.

So it’s easier to get in touch, but, what do you say? And how do you say it?

That’s where we come in. Write My Rights helps you write a strong, polished demand letter that you can send to your cell phone provider to help you get what you deserve.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Review your bill. Understand where you’ve been overcharged and by how much
  2. Have us write a letter for you. It’s fast, free and easy
  3. Figure out where to send it. Research what email address to send it to. Or print it our and mail it. Or, you could even cut and paste parts of it when you chat with a live agent.
  4. Wait a few days, then follow up. Be firm.

Cell phone providers routinely overcharge their customers. It’s not always on purpose. But just think of how many people just can’t be bothered to get their money back, either because the amount is too little, they don’t have the time, or they don’t know what to say.

We won’t stand for that. And neither should you. Get a cell phone overcharge complaint letter today.